Thursday, January 29, 2009

As the pavement disappears under my feet, i feel free. Like anything is possible. I can be anything i want to be and not be afraid of someone judging me. As i run, the trees turn into a green blur. For once my mind is actually blank. Not thinking about all my troubles in my life right now. I soon can see my house on my right coming faster and faster. But i am going so fast i don't stop. I keep going. I can feel myself going too fast and my feet come out from underneath me. I fall straight to the pavement. As i come to my feet, i feel reality crashing down upon me. The realization of who i am flowing down my face, trickling drops of red reality and allowing me to come to grips that no matter how fast the world blurs around me, i am still only human and life's troubles will always be there. I must then choose to run from them or come to terms. I wipe away my red reality and jog towards home. The pavement once again begins to disappear under my feet, i am free and anything is possible.

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